
Milanillos School , in Arquine, Number 65, p. 110-112 ( , Autumn, 2013)
Heading Inland , by Natalie Shooter , in Brownbook, Number 40, p.104-111 ( , July-August, 2013)
Byblos Town Hall , in L’Officiel du Levant ( March 2013 , March, 2013)
Contemporary Architecture in the Arab World , in Mohammad al-Asad ( Gainesville: University of Florida Press, , 2012)
Byblos Town Hall , in L’Orient le Jour ( , , 2012)
Working Grounds: Four Agro-industrial Projects , by Mohammad al-Asad (editor) , in Workplaces: The Transformation of Places of Production; Industrialization and the Built Environment in the Islamic World ( Istanbul: Bilgi University Press in cooperation with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, , 2011)
Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre , in LA China, No.2 ( , , 2011)
Design in Another Dimension: Morality , by Robert Campbell , in The Boston Globe, review of MoMA exhibition, Small Scale, Big Change ( , December 19, 2010 )
One Thousand Courtyards , by Nasser Rabbat (editor) , in The Courtyard House ( London: Ashgate Publishers, , 2010 )
Small Scale, Big Change , by Andres Lepik (editor) , in New Architectures of Social Engagement ( New York: Museum of Modern Art, , 2010 )
Hashim Sarkis: Batisseur du 3e Type , in L’Officiel Levant, N.9 ( , October, 2010 )
The Robin Hood of Fishermen , in Al-Akhbar Daily ( , March 19, 2010 )
Fishermen Housing Resettlement , by Viviana D’Auria, Bruno de Meulder, Kelly Shannon (editors) , in Human Settlements, Formulations and (re)Calibrations, p. 166-171 ( Amesterdam: UFO2 Sun Academia, 2010, , 2010 )
A la maison du pecheur, la modernité a rendez-vous avec la tradition , by George Achi , in L’Orient le-Jour ( , January, 2009)
Bademli House , in Betonart 18, p. 72-73 ( , , 2008)
Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre , in Phaidon Atlas of 21st Century Architecture ( London and New York: Phaidon Press, , 2008)
Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre , in Boston Society of Architects Awards ( , November, 2008)
A Journey of Study and Application , in Landscape ( Middle East, October, 2008)
Hashim Sarkis designs for Lebanese communities by collaborating with them , by Jessica Dheere , in Architectural Record ( , October, 2008)
In from the Sea, Traditional fishermen in Lebanon land a custom-designed community , by Stephen Zacks , in Metropolis ( , September, 2008)
Hashim Sarkis: Conversation on Architecture , in Architecture Boston, Number 2, Volume 11 ( , March – April, 2008)
A Celebration of Landscape and Simple Forms—Architect Hashim Sarkis , in Al Benaa, Number 205, Saudi Arabia ( , , 2007)
Balloon Landing Park , in Arabian Design ( Stuttgart: DAAB, Fusion Publishing, , 2007)
Heart of Beirut , by Samir Khalaf ( London: Saqi Books, , 2006)
An Architect Strikes (Olive) Oil in the Middle East , in 02138 ( , Spring, 2007)
Bab Tebbaneh School for Working Children , in The Architect ( , January, 2007)
After a Brief Pause, the Show Goes on in Lebanon , in Business Week ( , February 2, 2007)
Martyrs Square Competition , in Domes, Number 40, 84-89 ( , May, 2006)
A Unique View of Beirut from 300 Meters Up , by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie , in The Daily Star ( , June 23, 2005)
Developing Worlds: Lebanon , in Mare Nostrum News ( Rotterdam: The 2nd Rotterdam Architectural Biennale, , 2005)
Balloon Landing Park , in Harvard Design Magazine ( , Spring, 2005)
Out of Context , in Architectural Design ( , December, 2004)
A Spectacle of Anticipation: Building the Lebanon of the Future: Seeking to Inspire Rather than Impose, an Architect Blends Design with Development Issues , by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie , in The Daily Star ( , September, 2004)
Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre , in Work in Progress #8 ( Rhode Island School of Design, May, 2004)
Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre , in Harvard Design Magazine ( , Summer, 1999)
Housing for the Fishermen of Tyre , in Ad-Diyar ( , July, 1999)